Who is your Ideal Client for E-Design?

e-design resources Oct 28, 2022
Who is your Ideal Client for E-Design?


Do you want to know how I grew my E-Design business to booking over $10k months? I'll tell you a little secret - it's NOT because I started serving every client out there and marketing to everyone. No, it's actually because I started serving just ONE client. 😮


No, I don't mean that I ACTUALLY had just one client hiring me for all those projects.

I mean I starting serving one TYPE of client, my IDEAL client, who I LOVE to work with.

Can you imagine only working with your dream client? How much fun would that be?!


I'm going to tell you how I do this...

I've spent a lot of time thinking about exactly who I want to serve with my E-Design services. I've thought a lot about who my ideal client is, and I've went out to find that exact person (well, I really mean every person out there who fits my ideal client's description). This is called my ICA.


So, what is an ICA?

An ICA, or Ideal Client Avatar, is our detailed description of our Ideal Client, the person who we most want to work with, or know that we serve extremely well. This can be based on a design style that we excel in and want to bring to our clients, but it can also be based on the personal attributes of our clients themselves. 

For instance, maybe we are a mother, so we are familiar with the struggles that other mothers have in their homes dealing with messy kids, not enough time or energy to get things done, and just not being able to commit to starting a house project. This person could be a great client for us to help! We understand their desire to find kid-friendly furniture and decor pieces, to design their space so that it can stay functional and organized, and we can help to take the overwhelm away from them when it comes to starting a new project. Does it sound like this person could be your ICA? It might be! But it could also be a fellow entrepreneur, busy corporate executive with a high budget, or even someone who values having eco-friendly options in their home. Do you see how there are so many possibilities? 


Why is it important to determine an Ideal Client, don't I want to be hired by everyone?

I know it may feel like narrowing down who you want to work with may be restricting yourself from taking on more clients, but the truth is, if we can be the expert for a particular type of person, it makes it easier for that person to find us! We are able to focus our marketing for that particular person, so that when they consume our content, they feel as if we are speaking directly to them, and that we know their deepest desires and understand them, so when it comes time to designing a space in their home, they are going to come to US!

How do I determine my ICA?

You'll want to sit down and really think hard about WHO you can serve best at this point in your career (note: your ICA will most likely change as your business grows, and that's OKAY!). You want to get very detailed about this person so that you can start to focus your marketing specifically on this person. I have created a free download for you to help you figure out who your ICA is and where they might be hanging out, so that you can find them :). And do you want to know a fun secret? This is actually a REAL homework assignment from one of the 15 lessons of my course, "Your E-Design Business Roadmap". 


Download Your ICA Workbook Here


If you want to learn more about my E-Design course, you can find more information here:


My other free resources are also a great place to start, and you can find them at this link: 



Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Be sure to connect with me on social and say, "hi"!



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