How To Structure Your E-Design Packages

e-design resources packages pricing Oct 01, 2022
How to structure your e-design packages.


The beauty of E-Design and the glory of running your own business is that you get to be the one who decides what you want to include in your offerings! You don't need to fit into any sort of box, and you don't need to include anything in your packages that you don't want to.
You can have small packages with one mood board and 5-10 items and that's it, OR, you can provide your clients with a 20 page detailed design document outlining color palettes, floor plans, 3D renders, and more. You just need to make sure you know WHO your clients are, what they want, and how to properly charge to make sure you are getting paid fairly for your work.
With that said, when you are first starting out, I recommend deciding on just 2-3 design package options to keep things simple for you while you are still trying to figure out your business and what works best. You will be tempted to provide allll of the offerings, but this is actually not only overwhelming to you, it is overwhelming for potential clients as well.
You can adjust and add offerings as you go and see what works well for your business and what doesn't, but I highly recommend keeping it very simple at the beginning and growing from there.
Below are some things that you can mix and match to include in your design packages:
1. Concept/Mood Board
2. 3D Renderings
3. Shopping List
4. Detailed Instructions
5. Floor Plan
6. Options for communication with Designer (i.e. video calls, only email, only messaging, etc)
7. Video Walkthrough of Designed Space
8. Initial Video Consultation
Remember that your E-Design business is your business, and you can choose to offer whatever works best for you and your life in your current season!

If you need more help building your E-Design business or structuring your E-Design services, be sure to check out my online courses for E-Designers!


OR my free resources here:

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful. You can also find me on Instagram @the_edesign_desk where I'd love to connect with you!
Have a great day,

Check out my resources for E-Designers

The E-Design Desk
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