How to Start Your E-Design Business

e-design resources Oct 01, 2022
How to start your e-design business.

I talk to a lot of beginner interior designers that want to get started in E-Design (for a lot of reasons - it's a lower risk, less expensive, and more flexible version of interior design). Most people are just very overwhelmed over how and where to actually get started. There are so many aspects to running a business (and an online business at that), that it is daunting to think about where to even start. I'm going to outline some simple steps for you that should help to point you in the right direction on finally getting the boat moving on beginning your E-Design career!


These steps are quite simple when you break them down, and if you are looking for more guidance, my E-Design course "Your E-Design Business Roadmap" can help to lead you step by step through, not only starting your E-Design business, but growing it into a thriving career. I encourage you to check out my course if you need more help.


Well, here you go. Here is your E-Design Business Startup Outline!

Follow these steps to get started with your E-Design Business
1. Establish your business legally (this process will differ depending on where you are located).
2. Create a website and social media so that potential clients can find you and learn more about you.
3. Determine how you will accept online payments, and get a contract in place for working with clients (you want to be protected legally and make sure clients know what to expect).
4. Create and price your packages (see my previous email for more on this!).
5. Get you first few clients in the door to start building your portfolio and gather testimonials.

It seems quite simple once you write down the steps to get started! I know there might be a lot involved in each piece, but having an outline can really help you to feel less overwhelmed in the process. The roadmap I am creating for you is going to teach you just how to accomplish each of these things so that you can finally get your business up and running in no time!

If you need more help building your E-Design business or structuring your E-Design services, be sure to check out my online courses for E-Designers!


OR my free resources here:


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope to connect with you soon!



Check out my resources for E-Designers

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