How to make $10K/month with E-Design

e-design resources packages pricing Feb 24, 2023
How to make money with E-design

Can you make $10k/month with E-Design?


I get asked constantly whether or not E-design can stand alone as a career. Can E-Design itself be lucrative enough to serve as your main income source?


The answer is yes.


In fact, I started my business in December of 2019, and I hit my first $10,000 month in January of 2021, so just over a year after launching my E-Design business. But how?


Well, let me hit you first with a hard truth: if you're charging $100 for an E-Design package, this goal is going to be very hard to hit. How many clients would you need a month to hit $10,000 if you charged $100 for a service?...


The answer is 100 😧.


Can you handle 100 clients/month? I'm going to guess the answer is no. (Don't worry, I started out charging this low too, but quickly increased my prices once I realized my worth). If you're curious about pricing your E-Design packages, be sure to check out my blog post on this topic here.


So HOW do you hit $10,000/month in E-Design clients? 

The answer is that you have a high-value, high-priced package option that allows you to serve your clients in a way that is extremely beneficial to them, but also getting you compensated at a high price.


Now, let's say you have an E-Design package that costs $2,500 instead of $100. How many clients would you need now to reach $10,000?


...FOUR! Sounds a lot easier than 100, right?


Now I won't leave you hanging here. What exactly would a $2,500 E-Design package look like?

I'm going to give you a couple of ideas.


Idea 1: The Multi-Room Option

Bundle multiple rooms together at a discounted price to encourage your clients to book more room designs with you. I use to have a package called "The Ultimate Whole-Home Package", and it was by far my most popular service option. I would bundle together a design for 3 or more rooms, discounting the rooms from my standard price, THEN I would also add additional "bonuses" to the package to make it a "can't say no" offer, such as 1-on-1 meetings, video walkthroughs, and "item out of stock" support. 


Idea 2: The "Almost Like Full-Service" Option

Offering your clients more of a "luxury" feel from traditional "send it and forget it" E-Design will encourage higher-budget buyers to go with an E-designer instead of a traditional residential Interior Designer. Give them an experience that feels very personal and extensive. For instance, start the project with a video call instead of just a questionnaire. Have many checkpoints along the way. Then, go as far as to offer ordering assistance so that they may receive your designer Trade discounts (this is a HUGE selling point for me). If a client can save thousands of dollars on new furniture when they work for you, they can essentially get their design services for FREE. I mean, who wouldn't sign up for that?!


So, there you go. There are two service options that you can offer at a high-ticket price that will allow you to book LESS clients a month and get paid MORE. Once you become more consistent with bringing clients into your business, you will have consistent $10K months, making your e-design business not just a second business or hobby, but a real, lucrative design career.


If you're curious about learning how to really go about bringing clients in and growing your business, be sure to join The E-Design Academy, where you will learn how to, not only start your business from scratch, but learn how to bring in real, paying clients and grow your business into your dream career.


To create an awesome client experience and get started with professional deliverables, check out the new E-Design Project Templates at The E-Design Desk!


I hope you've found this post helpful! I'd love to connect with you on Instagram - be sure to follow me @the_edesign_desk for more tips on growing your E-Design business. You can also say "hi" at my E-Design business Instagram @larkinlivingspaces.


Thanks for stopping by! 



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